EBT Transfer Sandbox

Developer sandbox guide for EBT Transfers


Accessing the Sandbox Environment

Unlike other features, the EBT transfer feature sandbox requires authentication. Use the sandbox API secret provided as the value in the benny-api-secret request header. Set https://api-sandbox.bennyapi.com as your request base URL.


The EBT transfer sandbox environment allows developers to test linking customers and their EBT cards, conducting balance checks, initiating EBT transfers, and generating reconciliation files.


Link User

Any request to Link User will succeed in the sandbox environment, as no fraud or de-duplication checks are run.

Exchanging Temporary Link

When exchanging the temporary link via the Benny mobile SDK, any request with a 16 or 19-digit card PAN will succeed if the PIN0000 is used.

Card Actions

By default, all requests are configured to succeed except for specific scenarios designed to trigger failure responses.

Balance Check

  • If the transfer tokentransfer_clr0vw52m000408l6hx742k89 is used, an INVALID_TRANSFER_TOKEN response is received.
  • The balance returned will always be the same.

Initiate Transfer

  • If the transfer tokentransfer_clr0vw52m000408l6hx742k89 is used, an INVALID_TRANSFER_TOKEN response is received.
  • If the PIN of 4444 is used, an INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS response is received.
  • Test transfers will later appear in the generated reconcillationfile.


To test the Get Reconciliation File ensure that:

  • Test transfers were made.
  • The request's reconFileId adheres to the specific format of <yyyymmdd>_settlement_report_organization_<organization-id>, where:
    <organization-id> is the organization ID assigned to your sandbox account.
  • The date component <yyyymmdd> corresponds to the date when the relevant transfers were completed. For instance, if you are seeking a reconciliation file for transfers initiated on March 18, 2024, then the reconFileId should be 20240318_settlement_report_organization_org_c314hxg2lcbm28du38kiqqvi.